student should affix the photographs of his/her parents/guardians
and write the information in the space provided.
2. The student should be
clean, neatly and smartly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn
everyday and for all the school functions. In case of
match/tournament students are to wear uniform & bring their House
T-Shirt & Shoes.
3. Shouting and
whistling in the school building is not allowed.
4. Change of classrooms
during periods, transition should be done in silence and in proper
5. students
should not throw anything at others.
6. Students are expected
to respect school property. No student should
damage school furniture, scribble on it or on the walls or
any damage things belonging to others. Any damage done should be
reported to the class teacher or respective Section Heads. Any
damage done shall be made good by the one who causes it. In case of
deliberate damage, student will be expelled from the school.
7. Students are advised
to keep their classrooms, school building and campus clean.
8. Students are advised
not to bring valuable articles to school. The school will not be
responsible for lost goods.
9. Use of cell phone, I
pod or any such gadget is strictly prohibited in the school
10. Students’ motor
vehicles (two wheelers and four wheelers etc.) are not granted entry
into the school premises without license.
11. The school reserves
right to suspend or take strict disciplinary action against a
student whose diligence or progress in studies is constantly
unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
Student shall not indulge in any of the following practices namely -
Writing anything on the shirt or uniform of the other students.
Damaging the school property.
Spitting in or near the school building.
Rude behaviour or use of violence in any form.
Bursting crackers or throwing colour on one another.
Leaving the school premises without informing the Principal or the
Sports equipment borrowed from the Sports Department of the School
should be returned in time. In case any student is found responsible
for the loss of any sport item, it will be mandatory to pay the cost
of the same as per the rules.
Students must not use unfair means during Examination. Strict action
will be taken against those who are found guilty.
15. If
school conducts any extra activity other than CBSE/ DAV curriculum /
School calendar, it will be on payment basis.
For official tours / excursion like NSS / Scouts. school will
arrange government owned transport.
Students should not say no to any lawful official order/duty except
in case of medical.
Students should obey House prefects, class monitors and other
students on duty.
Lending or borrowing money and other articles is not permitted.
Students should use handmade jute or paper bags instead of poly
No child should leave his/her classroom without class pass.
Many children are
becoming overweight and obese. Causes of obesity in children include
unhealthy food choices, lack of physical activity & eating habits. A
balanced diet is important to maintain health. No single food will
provide all the essential nutrients that our body needs to be
healthy and function efficiently. A balanced diet should contain
protein, fats, carbohydrates and fibre in the form of fresh
vegetables and fresh fruits, all in the right measure, and of course
fresh drinking water.
It is essential for a healthy body
and a healthy mind.
You are what you consume!
The school lays great emphasis on
physical fitness of students and tries to provide facilities for
sports, games and recreational activities.
It is of utmost importance to
impart health education to our children so that they can become fit
and confident individuals.
All parents must ensure that
children :
Maintain personal hygiene such as
trimming of nails/hair and stay neat and clear.
Exercise regularly. Have a balanced
Must avoid consumption of eatables
other than home prepared.
Be immunized regularly against
prescribed infections and diseases [chicken pox, cholera, measles,
mumps, whooping, cough and jaundice.] must
observe the prescribed period of quarantine
Students suffering from infectious
diseases such as conjunctivitis, dermatitis and scabies etc. should
not be sent to school until they
have fully recovered and are fit to attend classes. The same must be
certified by a qualified doctor in the form of a medical certificate
to be sent to the class teacher.
Any special medication or ailment
must be brought to the notice of all concerned along with supporting
medical document.
Guidelines for Parents Regarding
Parents are equally responsible for safety of their children
during school journeys.
They must ensure that the mode of transport arranged by the school
is absolutely safe.
Parents must play the role of vigilant observers. They should note
down violations committed by the school and immediately report the
school at school phone No. 01509-245477.
Parents must participate in Parent Teacher Meeting and discuss the
safety aspect of their children.
While taking their children to the school themselves, they should
take proper care of their Safety.
Parents must ensure that the children acquire the right knowledge
and Skills for safe use of roads. They should teach their children
the basic traffic rules, how to walk & cross the road, how to alight
and board a bus, etc.
Parents should not allow their minor children to drive.
Parents must also ensure that the right attitude for a law abiding
citizen is imparted to their children by the family.
Children are very good observers and therefore, parents must set an
example by meticulously observing even small traffic rules.
Any type of misbehaviour / misconduct on behalf of bus driver /
conductor if comes into notice kindly inform the school at No.
1. Kindly check the
haircuts, nails, uniform of your ward in the morning and ensure
his/her punctuality.
2. Please see that your
ward carries text/exercise books according to the Time table for the
3. School diary must be
brought to school every day.
4. Kindly ensure that
your ward is prepared for the tests. Also see his/her report Card
and teacher’s remark in his/her exercise, note books and school
5. Encourage your ward
to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities and
6. Parents should
monitor the progress of their wards on a regular basis.
7. For the regular
development of the child, the parents are encouraged to share
relevant information including strengths and weakness of their ward
with the school.
8. Children should not
bring crackers, colours, calculators etc. to the school. Bursting of
crackers and playing with colours in school premises is liable to
lead to strict disciplinary action.
9. Your ward should be
careful about his/her possessions. There should be name tags on
blazers and sweaters. Expensive articles should not be brought to
school. The school bears no responsibility for the articles lost in
10. If your ward is
absent from school, he/she must make up all work he/she has missed
on his/her own.
11. All the parents must
ensure that their wards must reach the school according to school
12. Students will not be
allowed to go home during school hours without giving a written
application signed by parent (s) / authorized guardian stating the
reason to the class teacher or getting a gate pass issued by the
13. The school does not
accept any responsibility of the pupil in the premises before and
after regular school hours.
14. Parents are
expected to behave decently with the school employees.
15. Remedial classes
for the weak students will be arranged on request of parents.
16. Parents should
ensure their wards’ regular attendance in the remedial/Extra class.
17. On the day of
exam/test departure after the exams will not be permitted.
18. Proper care of
lunch menu should be taken. Fast foods and snacks must be avoided.
19. Parents must
attend the PTM scheduled on the second half of every last working
day (LWD) of the month.
20. Parents are
requested to attend the Parent-Teacher Meeting regularly as
21. Parents’
presence in PTMs will add weightage to their wards reflection card.
22. In case of any
issue/conflict parents are advised not to take up the same directly
with the teachers but bring it to
notice of the Principal.
23. Parents are not
permitted to visit their wards or teacher in class rooms.
24. Parents can meet
the class teacher / subject teacher after the school hours (on
working days).
25. It
is requested not to send the children empty stomach to school in the
School hours must be utilized by students for using reference
books/reading material for note making.
Library should not be made a gossip centre.
The Library Books will be issued to the students for 7 days
only. It can be extended for the next 5 days provided another
student has not demanded it.
The students are advised to return the library books within
the stipulated time period (7 days) otherwise they will have to pay
a fine @
` 5.00/-
per day.
In case the student has lost or damaged the library book,
then they will have to pay price of the book along with the fine
amount which will be 25% of the book price.
Parents should fill up the “Record for Application for Leave” for
each day the student is absent from school, stating the reason for
his/her absence.
Student who has been absent on the previous day, will not be
admitted to the class without an application letter from the
parent/guardian, stating the reason for absence.
Leave may be granted on special grounds. Students are advised to
submit the application in advance and confirm the approval.
Early Departure/Half day will be allowed when parent/guardian comes
to take the child. Otherwise written consent has to be sent.
Students who have been sick for more than five days must bring a
medical certificate from their doctor on re-joining school.
Student returning to school after suffering from an infection or
contagious disease, should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting
him/her to attend the school.
If a student remains absent in school for 10 days (continuous
without any information), his/her name will be struck off.
Student who suffers from the following diseases must follow the
prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
A. Chicken pox – all lesions are crusted and
B. Measles – For 4 days after rashes disappear.
C. Mumps – For 9 days after onset of swelling.
D. Whooping Cough – For 7 days after effective
antibiotic therapy.
E. Jaundice – Till full recovery, duly certified
by the doctor.
F. Conjunctivitis – Till full recovery,
duly certified by the doctor.
9. All students are expected to attend school on
the closing and opening day of the vacation. Those who are absent on
account of any illness must submit a medical certificate on joining
the school.